GTP- Proud sponsors of Miss Odwira & Fashion Show
With a vision to have its wearers look beautiful, graceful and be inspired to act graciously as well as a mission to develop, produce and sell African prints of the highest quality that will make consumers feel good and culturally in tune, GTP is a household name we are proud to have as sponsors for Odwira 2019 celebrations. GTP will be sponsoring the Dinner Night Fashion show on 21st September.
Through its colour, innovation and creativity, GTP has lived out its value system in an inspiring way. In that, the company has shown its commitment to being decorous, ethical, responsible, fair, positive and honest with Consumers, Customers, staff, suppliers, and all stakeholders. We are proud to be associated with an organization that upholds such important values today.
There are two Companies behind the GTP brand – Tex Styles Ghana Limited (TSG) that prints GTP products and Premium African Textiles Company Limited (PAT) which creates the designs, distributes, sells and markets the GTP brand. Both Companies belong to the global Textile giant VLISCO BV headquartered in Helmond, The Netherlands and are located at the Heavy Industrial Area, Tema, Ghana.
GTP has three sister brands – WOODIN which is also designed, produced and sold by TSG and PAT, VLISCO which is imported from the parent company in The Netherlands and UNIWAX which is produced in Ivory Coast by another subsidiary of Vlisco BV.
We look forward to the colour and splendor GTP brings to Odwira Unlimited 2019