In the 1850’s, Okuapeman became the First center for western education and religion established by the Basel Mission Society away from the coastal areas. For 290 years, the peoples of our Ridgeorganised in 5 unique Divisions under the Paramountcy, have delivered many Firsts. The First Botanical Gardens; the First Gold Coast indigenes trained in western education and religion outside the coastal areas including David Asante, the First ordained Minister of what is now the Presbyterian
Church; Okyeame Boafo Akuffo, the First State Linguist for Ghana's First Prime Minister, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah. In addition, Okuapeman is home to the First commercial farm for cocoa and the First Center of Research for Traditional Medicine.
Ewo Wo Nsem means literally, 'It is In Y/Our Hands. Amidst the global Covid-19 pandemic and with the installation of the newest youngest Paramount Chief in Ghana, the theme for the Odwira 2020 is A Safe Smart Okuapeman by delivering 3 distinct and mutually related goals.
1. Culture, Identity and Leadership. A branded multimedia campaign beginning in September 2020 with a climax in February 2021, to share the 10 reasons, people, events and places to preserve, learn, celebrate and visit Okuapeman and Ghana including before, during and after what will now be a new Beyond The Return program of activities in December 2020/January 2021.
2. Smart Learning. A mobile Breast Cancer Awareness and Testing Facility to support improved health for women and the community; the distribution of 10,000 Food and Drugs Authority certified reusable cloth face masks and sanitisers to the vulnerable alongside branded enhanced teaching in Twi and English to support personal responsibility and community awareness in the era of Covid-19.
And, targeted fundraising in support of the Okuapeman Education Fund.
3. Smart Togetherness. Through scheduled branded virtual as well as socially distanced events including market places, that enable indigenes and others to come together across time, to safely experience, explore, celebrate and purchase the products and services of our Kingdom and Ghana.
For many generations, the Odwira Festival has created a common bond, bringing together people from all walks of life to celebrate themes of victory, gratitude and harvest, in unity. In 2020, the Odwira Festival once again welcomes Okuapemman, the people of Ghana, Africans from across the Diaspora as well as friends the world over, to an experience of its deep cultural traditions and
enduring heritage.
Smart and Safe Okuapemman
Smart: Going digital with the ceremony. This implies we will be streaming live online and sharing recorded videos. There will also be strong partnership with media houses who will be broadcasting the ceremony to the audience at home and the global audience. Again, there will be donations of routers and other IT equipment to beneficiary schools in line with the vision to make Okuapemman
Smart and IT inclined.
Safe: With the Coronavirus Pandemic, this year’s festival will focus on keeping people safe from the pandemic. Hence, most major components of the festival will go virtual.
Safety also has a component of comfort. In achieving this, the festival encourages the preservation of the environment and the ability of people to comfortably access and monitor proceedings from their homes.
Campaign look and feel for the whole period of the Odwira Festival.
The festival runs from the 28 th of September, 2020 to 4 th October, 2020.
The theme is: Smart and Safe Okuapemman